Is Telehealth Covered By Medicare in 2023?

telehealth medicare part b 2023

Because we’ve become so used to using it, many seniors are asking, “Is telehealth covered by Medicare in 2023?”

The answer is “yes.” Telehealth is covered by Part B in 2023. Like all services covered by Part B, you first have to meet your annual deductible of $226 before any benefits are paid by Medicare. After that, Medicare will pay 80% of the cost and you’ll pay 20%.

If you don’t have an Advantage plan, your Medicare supplement policy may very well pick up the remaining 20% for you. If you’re unsure, contact the agent that sold you the policy or the insurance company directly to verify your coverage.

Should Seniors Use Telehealth Over Going to the Doctor’s Office?

Let’s face it – seeing your doctor in the comfort of your own home beats driving over to their office and fighting traffic, looking for a parking spot, and sitting among people who may have a contagious illness. Going to see the doctor is nobody’s idea of a good time.

But is using telehealth really in your best interests or are you better off going to see your doctor in-person?

That depends.

Telehealth is unbeatable for people who live in a remote area or are physically unable to get to the doctor’s office. For example, if you don’t have a vehicle and have no other means of transportation to get you to the doctor on the day you have an appointment, a telehealth appointment is a much better alternative than not keeping an appointment to discuss your health condition.

Another good reason to use telehealth is if the appointment is for something simple, like a med-check. I’m on several maintenance drugs, and my doctor requires me to see her every 90 days to get them refilled. Instead of making me drive to her office for these visits, she and I meet using telehealth, which saves me an incredible amount of drive-time and time spent waiting in her office to see her.


woman seeing doctor in office

However, I don’t advocate telehealth over going to the doctor’s office when you need  your annual physical examination or any other reason for which you really should see the doctor in-person. Sometimes telehealth just isn’t the right substitute for an office visit.

Is Telehealth Covered by Medicare?

Put simply-yes. But be sure to go and see your doctor in their office for your annual physical or any other illness or injury that they should see up close and examine thoroughly. 

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